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"28 Days": A Compelling Look at Addiction and Recovery


"28 Days": A Compelling Look at Addiction and Recovery

28 days


"28 Days" is a 2000 film directed by Betty Thomas and starring Sandra Bullock. The film tells the story of Gwen Cummings, a successful New York writer who is forced to enter a rehabilitation program after a DUI arrest. Over the course of 28 days, Gwen confronts her addiction, learns to take responsibility for her actions, and begins to rebuild her life.


The film begins with Gwen Cummings (Sandra Bullock) attending her sister's wedding. After drinking too much, she gets into a car accident and is arrested for driving under the influence. Given the choice between jail time and a 28-day stay in rehab, Gwen chooses the latter.

Initially resistant to the program, Gwen gradually begins to engage with her fellow patients and the staff at the rehab center. She attends group therapy sessions, meets with a counselor, and begins to confront the underlying issues that led to her addiction.

As Gwen progresses through the program, she experiences a series of ups and downs. She forms a romantic relationship with another patient, Eddie (Viggo Mortensen), but struggles to balance her feelings for him with her need to focus on her recovery. She also confronts her strained relationship with her mother, who is also an alcoholic.

In the end, Gwen successfully completes the program and is released from rehab. However, she soon realizes that her journey is far from over, and that staying sober will require ongoing work and commitment.


"28 Days" explores a number of important themes related to addiction and recovery, including:

Responsibility and Accountability

One of the central themes of the film is the idea of taking responsibility for one's actions. Throughout the film, Gwen is forced to confront the consequences of her addiction, including the harm she has caused to herself and others. Through therapy and introspection, she learns to take responsibility for her choices and their impact on her life.

The Power of Community

Another important theme in the film is the power of community in recovery. Gwen initially resists the support of her fellow patients and the staff at the rehab center, but gradually learns to lean on them for support and guidance. Through the bonds she forms with others in the program, she begins to see that she is not alone in her struggles.

The Complexities of Relationships

"28 Days" also explores the complexities of relationships in recovery. Gwen forms a romantic relationship with Eddie, but struggles to balance her feelings for him with her need to focus on her sobriety. She also confronts her strained relationship with her mother, who is also an alcoholic. These relationships highlight the challenges that people in recovery face as they try to navigate their personal lives while staying sober.


"28 Days" is a compelling look at addiction and recovery that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Through its portrayal of Gwen's journey, the film provides insight into the challenges of addiction and the complex nature of recovery. Its exploration of themes like responsibility, community, and relationships make it a powerful and insightful film that is well worth watching.

At its core, "28 Days" is a film about hope and the power of personal transformation. It shows that even in the darkest moments of addiction, there is always the possibility for change and growth. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, "28 Days" may provide valuable insight and inspiration on the road to recovery.

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